Submitting Your Story

Stories may ONLY be directly submitted via

Stories may be submitted in written, video, or audio format.

Written stories may be submitted in a PDF or WORD document. They can be from 1 to 5 pages in length, approximately and accompanied by 1 to 4 photos.

Video clips can be up to 4 minutes in length, submitted in Video files mov, and mp4, and, if possible, accompanied by 1 or 2 photos.

Audio clips can be up to approximately 40 minutes, submitted in Audio files mp3, and can be accompanied by 1 to 4 photos.

Photos or artwork do not have to be limited to just the people in the stories. You can also include photos or images of places, events, and memorabilia such as greeting or postcards, documents of interest, and so forth. Photos or artwork should be in high resolution meaning (300 dpi) .jpeg, or .png format.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept non-digital paper submissions, but you can scan or photograph your written story idea and upload it.

If you would like to contribute a story but you are unable to record it or write it out, or if you want to participate in the 400 Story Project by using other resources to interview a special person or tell your story, please email

Please see Getting Started for writing or recording your story and Consent & Release Forms, to give Gloucester 400 permission to publish your story, and Instructions for Uploading your Story.

Thank you for participating in Gloucester’s 400th Celebration!